Monthly Archives: January 2015

NEW COURSE: Managing Project Teams

Kardelen launched its latest new course, Managing Project Teams, with an excellent session last week with 14 project leads from Two Circles.

The course is designed for both new and experienced project managers.  It introduces a small number of skills that project managers can use to help their teams generate excellent results in often uncertain environments.  The bulk of the day is spent practising those skills in role plays and group exercises.

We start the day with an exercise highlighting participants’ experiences project wobbles or failures, and what might have caused them.  We then focus the role plays and exercises to practise pre-empting and remedying those typical issues, to help the get the team back on the front foot and performing well.  Participants are then ready for those issues when they happen in anger outside the classroom.

Judging by the atmosphere and learning last week with Two Circles, this course is going to be a fun way for project managers to practise some critical skills; and it should result in some smoother and more satisfying projects for all involved.